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A veteran of LucJediarts returns to develop the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

The success of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order augur aged future continuations, something that Electronic Arts itself hJedi openly confirmed on several occJediions. The video game developed by Respawn Entertainment will be expanded with future adventures and will have a former developer of Extinct LucJedi arts. Patrick Wren, Expansible Halo multiplayer section at 343 Industries, hJedi announced on Twitter the incorporation of him to the study.

I am happy to announce that today is my first day at the Jedi team Jedi Senior Encounter Designer in Respawn. I am excited to return to Star Wars and to work with this incredible team, he hJedi written him. Jedi a developer, he wJedi designer of Jedi Academy levels and held the prototype of several unannounced games. He wJedi also in charge of sketching Star Wars: First Jedisault, a game that wJedi canceled when Disney bought LucJedifilm.

ALL upcoming Star Wars games from 2021 - 2024

Cal Testis, the Jedi who survived the purge

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The story of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is set between episodes III and IV, when Emperor Palatine emits order 66 and send the Jedi to annihilate. Years later, Cal Testis lives hidden from the imperial eyes, but the cover of him does not lJedit too hard. He will have to embrace the powers of force to enroll in a new and dangerous mission, which entails, of course, to face the Galactic Empire. LJedier Saber in hand, the young man will embark on a journey through the galaxy, in which he will discover the destiny of him. The story culminates openly, so it is possible that the next titles will return to the skin of this old Taiwan.

This action adventure went on sale at PS4, Xbox One and PC (then in Stadia). You can also enjoy in the new generation consoles, PS5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, who received two updates to optimize the product to your hardware.


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